Kayaking is a fun activity to do with your dog, Yet, many people avoid it because they think their pooch will have a bad time. Fortunately, there are lots of easy ways you can make kayaking safe and enjoyable for your dog and enjoy the fun of how to kayak with a dog.

Teach your dog some basic skills:

First, take your dog for a quick lesson so he or she knows how to sit, lie down, come when called, and more. Once your dog knows these commands, it’s time to start teaching him or her specific kayaking skills.

Kayaking might frighten your dog and that is why you should practice with your dog first.

Type of kayak to go with your dog:-

fishing kayak

Ocean Kayak

Closed-cockpit kayaks

recreational kayaks

Go kayak and let your dog watch:- Give him a treat after you are done kayaking:

Then, take your dog on another trip (without treats). When your dog does something right, give him or her a tasty reward (like a piece of cheese). When you do, you’ll create a positive association with the activity. Your dog will love you kayaking and will co-operate when you want to go kayak with him.

Teach your dog where to sit on the kayak:

Sit with your dog in the front of the kayak. Most dogs naturally want to be close to their person when they’re in a boat. So put them there. Get your dog used to the noise, wind, and rocking motion of the water: Start off slow. Take your dog out on a calm lake. If you see a riptide or current, take it easy. Go with the flow. Gradually build up to rougher waters.

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Teach your dog to remain comfortable when you are paddling:

Put your dog in the kayak and have him lie down. Have someone gently rock the kayak back and forth. This mimics the movement of the water. When your dog is comfortable with this, you can add in more intense movements.

When you go kayaking with your kayaking companion- start paddling and give him a treat when he sits and do nothing else.

Always give your dog a treat right after practicing a new kayaking skill. It will help him or her remember what you taught them. Also, you want to use treats that your dog loves. If he or she doesn’t like the treat, they aren’t going to want to do the activity. And if they don’t want to do the activity, they won’t learn anything. Use high-value treats (like cheese).

Avoid noisy waterways:

If possible, go on trips during calm, quiet times. Use a leash that is at least 14 feet long.

Give your dog a life-jacket:

A life jacket is designed for humans. But they can be used for dogs too. Just make sure that the style and brand of life jackets match your dog’s size and breed. Start small: Remember that your goal is to get your dog into the water. So start with a low-stress beach or pool trip. Once you have your dog ready for the water, it’s time for the fun stuff, and learn how to kayak with a dog.

Finally- Take him to the water with you:

Now take your dog in the water with you and give your doggie life jacket. This is important that your dog shows control when you are kayaking with him.