Kayaking is a sport enjoyed by everyone. However, young people are especially attracted to the thrill and challenge of kayaking. In fact, research shows that 1 out of 5 Americans who have tried kayaking say they did so because they wanted to try something challenging. 

There are many types of kayaking activities and venues. These include white-water rivers, flatwater lakes and oceans, sea kayaking, expeditionary kayaking, surfing, paddling in inner-city canals, and even river running. No matter what type of kayaking you choose, you should make sure you are properly prepared and what size kayak do I need for kayaking. This includes having the proper equipment, obtaining the proper certification, and learning how to kayak safely. You can find here about kayaking guide for beginners.

What Kayak Size Do I Need?

Purpose of Kayak

In choosing what Kayak size you need, you must first decide on what type of kayaking you want to do. In general, white water kayaks are designed for rapid movement through the water. They have wider bottoms than other kayaks to give them stability when moving through the rougher water. The typical hull width for a recreational kayak is 10 inches or more.

What Kayak Size Do I Need? Flatwater kayaks are often referred to as touring kayaks. These boats are ideal for exploring flatwater lakes, coastal waters, and other relatively calm bodies of water. Touring kayaks are often used by experienced kayakers for transportation as well as fishing and other leisurely activities.

A touring kayak will typically have a hull width of 7 to 9 inches. Sea kayaking is another popular type of whitewater kayaking. In sea kayaking, you paddle a very light boat into waves and other whitewater. The boat is designed to be very unstable so you can “pitch” it forward into the face of the wave.

Kayak Length

When choosing a kayak, you should consider the length of the boat, the number of passengers you will carry, and how much gear you will need to bring. The average person can carry about 35-pounds of gear in a dry bag. If you have a small dog, he may be able to carry up to 50 pounds. Make sure you allow for at least 6 inches of paddle shaft for each person in your party. And don’t forget all of your gear.

Kayaking is a lot like camping… only you have to take everything with you! Kayaking on a short trip usually involves only one or two people. However, if you are taking a longer trip or going sea kayaking, you should seriously consider getting a tandem or a triple kayak. Tandems are usually constructed with a center seat, and a pair of foot pegs on either side. This allows you to sit in the middle, with your knees bent, and paddle with both hands. Triples are identical to doubles, except they have three seats. Triples are commonly used by families and groups of friends who are going on a multi-day trip together. Sea kayaking can be done in a single kayak but you should make sure what size kayak do I need.


Kayak Volume

The amount of volume a particular kayak has is described in three ways: Length, Width, and Height. Kayaks are measured in inches, feet, and fluid ounces. Here are the common terms you will encounter: Length: This is the distance from the tip of one gunwale to the other. Width: This is the distance between the two sides of the hull. The inside of the hull is usually wider than the outside. Height: The height of the kayak is from the top of the gunwales to the bottom of the hull. When you stand up in the boat, your knees should be just even with the top of the gunwales.

Sea kayaks are often much higher in the water than touring kayaks so they provide more stability. High-performance sea kayaks often have a hull shape that resembles an eggplant instead of a sphere. They are very low in the water and rock hard when standing on them. High-performance touring kayaks are much lower in the water and softer so they are much more stable. Here are some common terms used to describe Kayak Volume: Length: (Inches) Width: (Inches) Height: (Inches) Gallons: This is the amount of volume the boat has. Read here about how to choose a kayak.

Kayak Weight

Not just your own weight, but the kayak’s heaviness matters as well. consider how much it can carry. Capacity is the maximum weight the boat can safely hold. It is usually expressed in ounces. In the U.S., a typical touring kayak will have a capacity of 150 to 175 pounds.

A sea kayak might have a 50-pound limit. Most sea kayaks have much less carrying capacity than touring kayaks. This is because sea kayaks are made for floating, not paddling. Therefore, they don’t need to have as much carrying capacity as touring kayaks do.

Just remember… If It’s Bigger Than Your Boat, It Won’t Float! When you are choosing a kayak, you should check the weight and size limitations of the water where you plan to kayak. Not all rivers are the same. Some are swift and turbulent, others are placid. Some are only 2 feet deep, while others go on for miles and miles. If you are going to be paddling on a river that has large fish or other aquatic life, make sure your boat is large enough so you have enough clearance. If the river you are planning to travel is not very wide, you may want to consider a tandem or triple kayak instead of a single boat.

Legroom Needed

Once you figure out what type of kayaking you want to do, the next step is to determine the size of kayak you need. This is the single most important decision you will make when purchasing a new kayak. You see, not all kayaks are made equally. Some are constructed of lightweight materials that are easy to carry while paddling. Others are heavy and cumbersome. Many kayaks do not have adequate storage space. And some kayaks are simply not stable enough for advanced kayakers.


When you are in the store looking at kayaks, pay attention to the legroom. Does the kayak have plenty of space for your knees? Is there room for your feet to spread wide when standing or kneeling in the boat? If not, look elsewhere. When you sit down in a boat, the distance from the gunwales (the edges of the hull) to your knees should be about the same as the distance from the gunwales to the top of your feet.

Cockpit Dimension

The next thing you should consider is the size of the cockpit. This is the area inside the kayak where you sit. You want a wide enough area so you have plenty of room to move around, but not so wide that you have to awkwardly twist and contort yourself to get into and out of the boat. The further back you can put the hatch cover (the plastic cover over the cockpit opening) the better. This will give you more legroom when seated and allow for more air to circulate for comfort.

Look at the hatch cover and see how far back it extends on both sides. You want at least 12 inches of space on each side of the hatch cover for easy access to paddling, sitting, standing, and storage. Also, pay attention to the length of the cockpit. A long cockpit is better because it gives you additional space to spread out when seated. A short cockpit is better if you tend to get sea sickness or other maladies that are aggravated by movement. Don’t forget to check out the size of the seat!

Height and Comfort

Kayaking is one of the activities where you will be seated for long periods of time. It is important to have comfort, so you can enjoy the moment. Another thing to think about is how high or low you want your kayak to be. A kayak with a low cockpit puts your bottoms in the water, making it more difficult to paddle and less stable.

On the other hand, a high cockpit leaves very little room for paddling, making it uncomfortable for any but the smallest of people. You should also think about how high or low you want your seat to be. A high seat is more comfortable but makes it difficult to use the spray shield because you have to contort yourself to get to the top of the kayak. A low seat makes it easier to use the spray shield because there is more space below the cockpit opening.

Types of kayaks

  • Inflatable kayak
  • Fishing kayak
  • Sit-in kayak
  • Foldable kayak
  • Folding kayaks
  • Narrower kayak
  • Tandem kayak
  • Wider kayaks

How Can I Properly Maintain My Kayak? How Can I Properly Maintain My Kayak?

The place to Store Your Kayak

When you are done using your kayak for the day, you need to store it in a place that is safe from the elements. Ideally, this should be a climate controlled area like a garage or shed. If that’s not feasible, at least make sure it is protected from the sun and rain. Whatever you do, don’t leave it out in the open where it can get wet or stolen. Make sure it is stored in a secure place that is easy for you to get to.

You should think about the different options available to you when choosing a storage facility. Are they climate controlled? How big is the locker you get to store your kayak in? How close is the locker to the water? Does the storage facility allow you to walk your kayak in and out of the building? How much does it cost? How long do you have to pay for the locker? What if you decide to stop using your kayak? Will you still have to pay for the locker? How long do you have to give notice before you have to reclaim your space? How much notice do you have to give? What if someone else wants to use the locker for a shorter period of time? Can they sublease the space from you without paying any money? How much does it cost to rent the locker per month? Questions like these should be considered in order to properly care for your kayak as well.


Transporting your Kayak

Most people, in order to use their kayak, will have to transport it, which is why you need to consider the size to use. If you are going to transport your kayak by car, you should consider whether or not you will be transporting it on the road and what size kayak do i need to fit on the vehicle. If you will be, you should look into getting a “pink slip” for your vehicle. This will let other drivers know you are not to be hit while driving with your load in the back. It will also let police know you are not to be stopped and searched because of what’s in the back of your car.

If you are going to transport your kayak by sea, you will need to make arrangements with someone who is reliable and has lots of experience doing this sort of thing. You should insist on paying for the shipping costs and know exactly where your kayak is at all times. If someone else gets the shipment and sets it aside somewhere unsafe, you could be liable for any damage that occurs to your kayak. If you are using a common carrier like FedEx or UPS, you should sign for the package. That way, you can inspect the contents and make sure everything is there and unharmed.

Everyone’s kayaking experience varies. It is always up to you to figure out what you want from your experience and then go get it. You should also strive to make your next experience with a kayak better than the last one. The best way to do this is by making sure you are as prepared as possible before you ever paddle out into the water. You can always ask help from others, as long as you’ll be able to decide your own matters in the end. You shouldn’t feel guilty if you need help along the way. Only you can decide if you are truly ready or not.

Remember this: There is no such thing as a totally “ready” person when it comes to paddling. What you need is a basic sense of confidence combined with some simple guidelines to keep you on the right path. That’s all anyone needs in order to have a great experience. So get going! Don’t wait for perfect conditions. Don’t wait for the sun to go down or the wind to calm down. Go out when the conditions are tough and see how you do. Lastly, if you do enough research, ask enough questions and think about everything that was discussed, you should be able to have a great time no matter what type of trip you decide to take with your kayak.